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15 Key Data Points a Comprehensive Classification Report Must Include

By: Joe Robbins, Implementation Specialist, equivant Corrections

A jail’s classification system is crucial for facility safety. It must accurately assess inmates’ risk levels, and then provide data to appropriately house and manage the inmate population. The following data points are imperative for a comprehensive classification:

  1. The total number of inmates booked in the reporting period.  This should be able to be reported as the total number of intakes for the entire operation and be able to be separated by individual locations or facilities.
  2. The total number of classifications (Initial and Reviews) completed in a certain time period.
  3. A breakdown of the above referenced classifications to include the following:
    1. Initial Classifications
    2. Reviews as a total and then broken down by the reason for the review, such as:
      • Periodic (No reason, just based on time)
      • Disciplinary Issue
      • Legal Status Change (Charges, Sentenced, etc.)
      • Inmate Request/Appeal
  4. Number of unique individuals classified.
  5. Average classifications per day/week/month for initials and reviews.
  6. Classifications performed on time vs. late for compliance purposes.
  7. The outcome of the classifications and reviews by security level in numbers and percentages.
  8. The staff members performing the classifications by number and percentages.
  9. Initial Classification outcomes by gender, number, and percentages.
  10. Review outcomes by gender, number, and percentages.
  11. Details on overrides of the classification instrument used.  Both increases and decreases should be tracked.  Also, this should be tracked specifically for Initials and Reviews.
  12. The staff members performing the overrides by number and percentages.
  13. Behavior issue numbers tracked by security level.
  14. Housing Plan numbers based on security levels.  Are there open areas vs. overcrowded areas that could be adjusted to fit your actual inmate population?
  15. Crime Class Breakdown of Inmate Population (Felons vs. Misdemeanors, Class of Felonies)

By tracking and reporting these key data points, and adjusting staff or processes as needed, a jail can help ensure classification is doing its job to increase the safety, security, and overall operational effectiveness of the facility and the community it serves. More information about classification management can be found here. We are always available to talk with you about your system or reporting challenges; contact us! 

equivant Corrections Insights