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Disaster Preparedness: How Your Jail Can Stay Ready for Anything

By: Joe Robbins, equivant Corrections’ Product Implementation Specialist 

We’ve seen some tough times lately, with hurricanes, floods, and other disasters hitting communities hard. One recent example is Hurricane Helene, which left many areas scrambling to recover. And while jails might not always be at the center of these news stories, they face their own unique challenges during disasters.

Whether it’s a hurricane, a power outage, a riot, or even a cyberattack, every facility needs to be prepared. But what does it really take for a jail to be ready for any type of disaster? Below are five considerations facilities should prioritize when creating disaster preparedness plans.


Understanding the Challenges Jails Face During Disasters

When a disaster strikes, jails must tackle two big issues at once: keeping everyone safe and maintaining order. It’s not just about locking doors and checking headcounts. It’s about making sure folks in custody are taken care of, staff are protected, and the public is reassured that everything is under control.

There’s also the added challenge of managing basic things like power, food, water, and medicine. What do you do when the power goes out for days? Or when roads are flooded, and supply trucks can’t get through? That’s why it’s so important to plan and be ready to handle anything that gets thrown your way.


Having a Solid Plan in Place

A good disaster plan is more than just a bunch of documents sitting on a shelf or living in a word document somewhere. It’s a living, breathing strategy that needs to be reviewed, tested, practiced, and adjusted as needed. Here are some key parts to include:

  • Communication Plans: Know who to call, how to get in touch, and what to say. Make sure you have back-up ways to communicate if phones go down.
  • Evacuation and Shelter Plans: Have a clear idea of where to go if you need to move inmates to safety, whether it’s inside or outside the facility.
  • Coordination with Local Agencies: Build good relationships with local emergency services. This will make it easier to get help when you need it most.
  • Training and Drills: It’s one thing to have a plan. It’s another to make sure everyone knows it inside and out. Practice makes perfect.


Technology Can Be a Lifesaver

Systems like the Northpointe Suite can help keep things running smoothly during a disaster. Having all your critical information in a secure digital format means that even if the lights go out or paper records get damaged, you still have what you need at your fingertips. Having systems like this hosted in the cloud is a must. Even if you have to change locations, continuity can be maintained. 

Plus, technology can keep lines of communication open. When everyone has access to the same data , decisions can be made faster and with enhanced confidence.


It Takes a Village: Partnering with Your Community

No jail should have to go it alone in a disaster. Team up with local law enforcement, fire departments, and emergency management agencies. Build those relationships before a disaster hits, so you’re not trying to introduce yourselves when things are already chaotic.

Sometimes it’s as simple as having an agreement to share supplies or offer temporary housing if one place is overwhelmed. These partnerships can make a big difference when you’re in the thick of things.


Keep Learning and Getting Better

Once the dust settles, take time to look back and see what worked and what didn’t. Talk to your team, get their feedback, and be honest about what could have gone better. Then, use those lessons to tweak your disaster plan and make it even stronger.

Getting ready for a disaster isn’t just about following a checklist. It’s about being proactive, taking care of your people, and staying calm no matter what’s going on outside. By having a strong plan, using technology wisely, and working with the community, your jail can be ready for anything. If you’d like our help in reviewing or helping you to create a disaster recovery plan that works for your facility, please contact us. 

equivant Corrections Insights