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Managing PREA: 7 Imperatives for Enhanced Jail Management

By: Joli Shumpert, equivant Corrections’ Product Implementation Specialist


PREA (Prison Rape Elimination Act) standards and compliance protect the rights and well-being of inmates and contribute to maintaining a safe and secure jail facility. By implementing the principles of PREA effectively, facilities can make great strides in preventing sexual abuse and fostering a culture of respect and accountability. Here are some important considerations for managing PREA in jails:


Develop and implement comprehensive policies and procedures within your jail operations that comply with PREA standards. These should cover prevention, reporting, investigation, records management, and response to sexual abuse and harassment, along with policies and procedures that address the unique needs and vulnerabilities of transgender and gender nonconforming inmates to ensure their safety and prevent abuse.


Implement thorough screenings and strategic classification processes to identify potentially vulnerable inmates and those who may pose a risk to others. Careful monitoring and supervision of inmates who may be at risk of victimization or those who may be predatory is imperative. The inmate management and classification and process also ensures periodic reviews of inmate statuses and inmate movement in response to changes in inmate behaviors or circumstances.


Establish a clear and confidential reporting mechanism for inmates to report abuse. It’s important that inmates feel safe reporting abuse without fear of retaliation.

Maintain a culture of zero tolerance for sexual abuse.  Staff and inmates should be aware that all allegations will be taken seriously and investigated thoroughly.


Provide appropriate medical and mental health services to survivors of sexual abuse, including access to forensic exams, counseling, and follow-up care.


Keep accurate records of reported incidents, investigations, and outcomes within your jail management system (JMS). Analyze real-time data related to reported incidents, investigations, and outcomes. Look for patterns, trends, and indicators that might highlight areas of concern or success. Submit required data to the relevant authorities and publish summaries of this data to promote transparency through streamlined document management and case management solutions.


Conducting regular self-audits and reviews of the facility’s compliance with PREA standards is a proactive and essential measure in ensuring the safety and well-being of inmates.  Self-audits and data can serve as valuable tools for identifying areas of strengths and areas for improvement in the facility’s efforts.


Work closely with external agencies, including law enforcement, advocacy groups, your local sheriff’s office, and the Department of Justice, to address PREA violations and coordinate efforts in the prevention of sexual abuse.

Managing PREA effectively is crucial not only for compliance, but to also protect the rights and well-being of inmates and maintain a safe and secure correctional facility. The above suggestions demonstrate a commitment to a culture of safety to prevent sexual abuse in correctional settings. If you are interested in how a comprehensive custody management and jail management solution can help create a safer facility or how classification management techniques can be used for enhanced compliance, safety, and facility workflows, please let us know.

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