Download the equivant Corrections 2024 State of the Industry Report

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Stay Healthier with Technology



If COVID has taught us anything, it’s that we’re far more capable, adaptable, and resilient than we ever imagined. Managing a correctional facility through a pandemic is unprecedented in modern times, and even though it still sometimes feels like we’re in the thick of it, we persevere.

Moving forward, what we’ve also learned is that we can keep everyone in the facility safer and healthier by thinking a little differently about our technology.

Here are some of the most-used features of equivant Corrections for facilities focused on health:

  • Pre-Housing Management – As many facilities learned, it is possible to use an assessment center model to house people pre-classification. In a pandemic, this serves as a quarantine. Anytime, it can help prevent the spread of other diseases while also giving your team some critical observation time, allowing them to make more informed classification decisions. NPS supports jail management when assessment centers are part of your process.
  • Contact Tracing – When you’re efficiently managing housing, programming, and other considerations, contact tracing is a breeze. Whether you’re monitoring for COVID or simply trying to help reduce the seasonal flu, everyone can stay healthier when you can track exposures and get ahead of your treatment needs.
  • Medical Screening – This is a great tool for recording diagnoses, including positive COVID tests. The medical screening tools can also be used to help make housing decisions, keeping certain individuals separate from others if they have the potential to spread disease.
  • Data Sheets – We love NPS’s data sheets for many reasons, and their flexibility tops our list. With this feature, your facility can create custom medical screenings specific to COVID or other local concerns you may have, and you can track it all within the tool.
  • Reporting – In a public health crisis (or even just a regular day), your stakeholders need specific reports and information, and your team needs to be able to pull data, including ad hoc reports, quickly and easily. NPS gives you an unprecedented level of agility with reporting and tracking.

Keeping everyone in your facility safe and healthy shouldn’t be an obstacle course. When you have the right technology solution to manage everything from classification to facility operations, focusing on health should be easy to do.

Get to know The Northpointe Suite. Our tools were built by and for justice practitioners like you, and our team is ready to help you navigate whatever comes your way. Contact us today to learn more about how to prioritize health in your facility efficiently and effectively.

equivant Corrections Insights